- Making Emacs seach easier « Floating in a random universe
- Dell adds 256GB SSD option to XPS M1330 and M1730 laptops - Engadget
- Windows 7 Beta takes another crown, besting Vista in SSD performance - Engadget
- Quickpost: Windows 7 Beta: ROT13 Replaced With Vigenère? Great Joke! « Didier Stevens
- Resty applications in QP - mike watkins dot ca
- Frozen Cache
- Resuscitating a Seven Year Old Laptop
- TechCrunch Tablet Update: Prototype B
- Lotus Notes Soon To Become Even More LinkedIn
- Scobleizer — Tech geek blogger » Blog Archive Seagate learns important PR lesson: keep the customers happy! «
- Unmanaged switch horror stories | Network Administrator | TechRepublic.com
- IronPython URLs: Jeff Hardy: Django, Zlib and easy_install on IronPython
- Sam Ruby: Running Remotely
- Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life - Some thoughts on FeedBurner Site Stats being replaced by Google Analytics
- Running multiple instances of MySQL on the same machine | MDLog:/sysadmin
Monday, January 19, 2009
Links for 1/19/09 [my NetNewsWire tabs]
Mozilla and hypocrisy
Right, but what about the experiences that Mozilla chooses to default for users like switching to Yahoo and making that the default upon ...
via VMware blog
AJAX: redesign your PHP applications? - ThinkPHP /dev/blog : "First of all, XMLHttpRequest has a problem: in InternetExplorer, it doesn...