I first started my day thinking I'd get some django programming done. I created a new django project, got the admin module installed, went to check the admin page, and got an error that django had problems loading the template. For some reason django can't see the installed template file (I was using OS X Leopard). After mucking about for a bit I gave up for the moment. Anybody else have this problem?
I wanted to install bootcamp with windows on my macbook pro. Installed windows, installed bootcamp drivers, had a blue screen while drivers installed. Rebooted, and reinstalled drivers. Rebooted, started windows update, and it says windows is already updating. The progress meter sits their at 0% for half an hour. I decided to reboot. Windows says do not reboot or power down, installing update 1 of 1. Its been sitting their for half an hour!
I guess I won't be getting much done today. :(