Friday, May 25, 2007

future of computing?

I found this cool device on Robert Scoble's link blog.

he revolutionary Zonbox - the $99, ultra low-power, zero-emission Linux computer from Zonbu, is sure to be all the rage when it's launched next month. The computer is a fanless 1.2MHz platform that uses Amazon’s S3 storage servers to save your files.

Gizmodo says

"It's as simple to use as a Mac...pre-loaded with best-of-breed open source software for almost anything you'd need...all managed via the other cool thing the Zonbu has: A 4GB CF card that acts as a cache for the 25-100GB of personal storage on Amazon's S3 servers. In other words, this machine syncs, swaps, and backs up your data automatically, over the wire. I love it."

Everytime I see one of these devices I wonder why such devices haven't caught on. These devices seem to make a lot of sense for the kind of people who want to browse the web, chat and email. Maybe this device will catch on? The S3 integration seems like a cool solution.

Mozilla and hypocrisy

Right, but what about the experiences that Mozilla chooses to default for users like switching to  Yahoo and making that the default upon ...