Thursday, April 05, 2007

kUbuntu in virtual PC

Originally uploaded by awasim.

I finally got kubuntu edgy installed in Virtual PC.

First of, the normal install CD won't work since X doesn't display properly. The alternate CD has a text based installer, which works though. I first went to ubuntu, but their new download page doesn't seem to have an option to download the alternate CD (If it does, please comment :). The kubuntu page was quite simple though, with the alternate CD right their. Since I prefer kUbuntu, I didn't spend more time looking around.

The first time I tried the install, the text installer wasn't displayed properly as well. I had to reset, and specify 640x480, on the grub menu. I think the option is F5. Once done, I set networking to NAT, the default was my broadcom NIC, which wasn't connnected, hence no network. And from their the install went along as normal.

After the install, the X display is still corrupt. Just as X started I pressed Ctrl-Alt-F1. If you take too long, it will corrupt the display, can Ctrl-Alt-F1 will remain corrupt as well. Their is a better way by passing the proper options in grub to boot to text mode, but this was easier, and I forgot what those options are. Once on the console, I edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and set the Default Depth to 16. Restarted kdm, /etc/init.d/kdm restart, and I have kUbuntu running on Virtual PC.

Mozilla and hypocrisy

Right, but what about the experiences that Mozilla chooses to default for users like switching to  Yahoo and making that the default upon ...