Thursday, March 22, 2007

Graphics in articles

Windows Administration: Inside the Windows Vista Kernel: Part 3 -- TechNet Magazine, April 2007
"Figure 1 System registry hive TxR logging files (Click the image for a larger view) Enhanced Crash Support"

I've noticed while reading some articles at microsoft (I'm not sure if its just technet or msdn as well) that they have a different method to displaying images within articles. Generally, when an article includes graphics, its a small thumbnail that links to the actual graphic file. You click on it, and it will open the graphic, blowing away the article. Middle click and it will open the graphic in a new tab.

In the article linked above if you click on an image, it will expand the image within the article. This threw me of at first. I'd middle click the image but the tab would have no contents. If you click on the image in the article, it expands the image, within the article. Which means you don't have to go back to the article or anything.

Their are other forms of displaying images as well now. I guess it will take time for the dominant form of displaying images in the new, more dynamic world to take hold.

In the mean time, we're going to have to experiment each time. Try to open the file the old fashioned (standard?) way, and lose focus on the topic being read when that fails. Get irritated for a second, realize the advantages to the new method and then try to get back to what you were doing.

Now where was I, oh yeah, back to reading the above article.

Mozilla and hypocrisy

Right, but what about the experiences that Mozilla chooses to default for users like switching to  Yahoo and making that the default upon ...