Unlike competitive solutions, you must use a special markup language to format text (no wysiwyg), you cannot upload images, and there is no ajax or other functionality to move content around on the page. It is also a little buggy - comments are not showing up at all on our test page. Frankly, if it wasn’t 37signals, who generally create awesome applications, we would not be profiling it yet.
However, our guess is that they will be adding functionality quickly. We are also looking forward to the launch of Chalk.
(Via TechCrunch.)
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Writeboard Launches But Needs Feature Upgrades:
Mozilla and hypocrisy
Right, but what about the experiences that Mozilla chooses to default for users like switching to Yahoo and making that the default upon ...
via VMware blog
AJAX: redesign your PHP applications? - ThinkPHP /dev/blog : "First of all, XMLHttpRequest has a problem: in InternetExplorer, it doesn...