Sunday, August 07, 2005

Fire Microsoft, open your Web browser, um...:
"Steve Rubel has yet another way you can fire Microsoft. Well, except if you work in an airplane a lot, like I do. Then you need to store your stuff locally (and your Web browser ain't gonna do it). Or, except if you play video games. Or, or, or, or..."

(Via Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger.)

Hmmm... if only it was as easy to install a rich client as it is to visit a website. Or if only rich clients could be written once and deployed anywhere (cross platform). I used to love the idea of rich clients. I preferred NetNewsWire to Bloglines. But the utility of being able to read bloglines from any computer anywhere has left me not so sure! oh well... time will tell. And I'm a computer geek. For normal, non geek users, the tool offering the most ease wins. Why do you think Hotmail has so many users? Why do you think Gmail is winning users over?

Another thing that occurred to me was what the usage stats are for people using web messenger compared to the normal fat instant messaging client for MSN?

Mozilla and hypocrisy

Right, but what about the experiences that Mozilla chooses to default for users like switching to  Yahoo and making that the default upon ...