"Which platform to use Java or .NET? Developers ask this question all the time. Java has been widely adopted because of its overwhelming benefits on the server side, but Java has less to offer on the client side. .NET has made inroads into the enterprise by leveraging its stronger rich-client capabilities. An alternative solution for enterprise-scale Internet application development is the emerging XML-based rich-client technology."
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
XML Rich-Client Technology Brings Zero-Install Rich Client Capabilities to J2EE @ PBDJ
Mozilla and hypocrisy
Right, but what about the experiences that Mozilla chooses to default for users like switching to Yahoo and making that the default upon ...
via VMware blog
AJAX: redesign your PHP applications? - ThinkPHP /dev/blog : "First of all, XMLHttpRequest has a problem: in InternetExplorer, it doesn...