"Surfers trying to visit the web site of popular secure email service Hushmail were redirected to a false site early Sunday following a hacking attack. Hush Communications said hackers changed Hushmail's DNS records after 'compromising the security' of its domain registrar (Network Solutions). These changes were undone after a few hours on Sunday and normal Hushmail services have now been restored."
Monday, April 25, 2005
SecurityFocus HOME News: Hushmail hit by DNS attack
SecurityFocus HOME News: Hushmail hit by DNS attack:
Mozilla and hypocrisy
Right, but what about the experiences that Mozilla chooses to default for users like switching to Yahoo and making that the default upon ...
via VMware blog
AJAX: redesign your PHP applications? - ThinkPHP /dev/blog : "First of all, XMLHttpRequest has a problem: in InternetExplorer, it doesn...