"The computer's ability to collect an infinity of data about individuals -- tracking every movement and purchase, assembling facts and traits in a personal dossier, forgetting nothing -- was in place before 9/11. But among the unremarked casualties of that day was a value that Americans once treasured: personal privacy."
Yes yes all well and good. Privacy is no longer. But what I want to know is what we can do, or how it will change society. Anybody can see that computers have brought forth the ability to store and track data at a large scale, what I want to know is how it will effect the coming century.
DR Congo's atrocious secret
But the region in and north of the forests of central Africa has hosted Rwanda's genocide, the massacres in Burundi, the devastation of southern Sudan, the mutilations in Uganda, and the atrocities of the north-eastern Congo.
Something is terribly wrong when things such as the above happen in the world we live in today. How is this possible? Surely all this advancement in civilization, culture and technology can put what is happening in Africa away. Why dont we use all this technology towards those ends? How long is the developed world going to turn a blind eye towards the less fortunate? Its a simple matter of Priorities.
Privacy... who cares? First we need to solve the Congo problem!