This is annoying for several reasons. First of all, if your company is monitoring where you go on the net, it makes it look like you�ve gone to that page�the page is in your cache, the cookies are set on your computer, etc. Second of all, it messes up the logs on that site�s server, by making it look like you went to their site from a Google search even if you didn�t click on the link.
Monday, April 04, 2005
mamamusings: google prefetching links
mamamusings: google prefetching links
Mozilla and hypocrisy
Right, but what about the experiences that Mozilla chooses to default for users like switching to Yahoo and making that the default upon ...
via VMware blog
AJAX: redesign your PHP applications? - ThinkPHP /dev/blog : "First of all, XMLHttpRequest has a problem: in InternetExplorer, it doesn...