Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Google != Googkle

Google != Googkle:
"Reader Alan Phelps wrote in this morning to alert us to a malicious site that has registered a domain that might be entered as a typo for DO NOT VISIT THIS SITE! Visiting this site installs about 49 pieces of spyware, uses the local hosts file to block access to popular anti-virus websites, and offers a link to a website that sells AV and anti-spyware tools with the slogan 'We help people'... No comment."
Several readers have written in to add that there are several other sites similar to the Googkle site including:

msnm(dot)com, gfoogle(dot)com, ghoogle(dot)com, googfle(dot)com, luycos(dot)com, msn1(dot)com, passpport(dot)com and xcnn(dot)com.

Mozilla and hypocrisy

Right, but what about the experiences that Mozilla chooses to default for users like switching to  Yahoo and making that the default upon ...