Endangering Laptops!
Who is George Doughty? No one most of us know, but someone we can sympathize with. He is a bar owner who lives in Lafayette, Colorado. He was arrested on charges of felony menacing, reckless endangerment, and the prohibited use of weapons. Why? He shot his computer. As the story goes, he emerged from his on-site office and announced that he was going to shoot his computer. Half an hour later, he returned with a Dell laptop, set it on the floor, asked two customers to cover their ears, and said notebook took four bullets.
I've felt like that on occasion!
Shortly after I graduated from college, I married a wonderful woman on the same level of computer literacy as the hypothetical student mentioned above. It has been quite the learning experience for the both of us. When it comes to the computer, we look at the beige box in the living room, but we see different things. I see a machine which I work with for both work and play and that I love to learn new things about. She sees a beige box which allows her to print parent newsletters and grade averages for school. She sees the computer as the means to an end. I see it both as such and also as an end unto itself. For both of us, in any event, it is a tool.
I think most women, those within the computer field as well, look at the computer as just a replacement for a pen & paper, or a calculator. As a guy, for me, its also a toy, and a hobby.